

Metaliminal is an onchain art guild occupying the in-between.

Our aesthetic exists between abstraction and actuality.

Our roster includes lens, AI, generative, mixed-media, word, and 3D artists.


We collaboratively create and curate art onchain to fund metaliminal.eth.

We'll use the funds for bespoke technology, galleries, NFT collections, and more.


In the effort of decentralizing carefully and retaining high-level curation, initial membership will be limited to 25 artists.

For benefit and application details, see Membership.


Metaliminal is not a DAO, yet.

For the time being, metliminal.eth will be governed by @usersteen.eth↗↗.

As the treasury scales, and if appropriate, metaliminal.eth will be assigned to a multisig with robust DAO tooling.